segunda-feira, 24 de agosto de 2009


Há-de estar a rapaziada nova toda aos saltos e eu com o bloquinho de notas a apreciar as letras do moço Turner: um mimo, a prosa deste rapaz:

«I thought I saw you in the parrots beak
Messing with the smoke alarm
It was too loud for me to hear her speak
And she had a broken arm
It was close, so close that the walls were wet
And she wrote it out in letraset
No you can't call me her name

Tell me where's your hiding place
I'm worried i'll forget your face
And i've asked everyone
And i'm beginning to think i imagined you all along»

(a cantiga chama-se «Cornerstone» e é do novo Humbug. Passámos na semana passada, no Boa Noite e um Queijo)

2 comentários:

Beep Beep disse...

"As an antidote, they'd do well to release "Cornerstone" as the follow-up single. The album's highlight, the song is beyond lovelorn, with Turner delivering a swooning, dreamy vocal, possibly his best to date. He makes a somewhat hokey premise-- a guy who keeps approaching women who look like his ex-girlfriend, only to strike out when he asks if he can call them by her name-- actually work through clever turns of phrase and his usual flair with detail."

lia disse...

Ah, é o próximo single?

Sou tão esperta -_-

Tempos idos

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